Chi Sparks 2011
June 23 | Arnhem

HAN University of
Applied Sciences

Conferentie schema

Auditorium Research Room Innovation Room Implementation Factory
hele dag Demonstraties en posters
9:00 Registratie
10:00 Opening
Sander Leer, Dick Lenior
Chi Nederland, HAN
10:15 keynote User experience research and practice – two different planets?
Virpi Roto
Aalto University
11:00 Koffiepauze
11:30 track Games and play

Code 4: A large scale game for organizational change

Involving blind children in the co-design of a Wii game

Eliciting casual activity through playful…

track Cognitive Research

Seeing through virtual windows

Experiments with Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation…

track Testing methods

To know or not to know – The Impact of Sharing…

Virtual Usability Testing

Usability Testing for Mobile Scenarios…

workshop Workshops

1: Wayfinding in the variety of methods for user centred design

2: Hands-on Arduino introduction: A sneak peek into the world of interactive installations

12:30 Lunchpauze
13:30 keynote User-Centered Design – A Reality Check
Jasper van Kuijk
Technische Universiteit Delft
14:30 track Social interactions

Trust Thy Neighbour: Exploring Information…

Social contraptions sparking inspiration for…

Stimulation of Interactivity in Online Communities

track Design methodology

Infusing digital creativity in design…

Inspiring Design: Exploring online sources…

Multifaceted Design for Persuasion

track Business

Supporting Communication in Complex Worksituations…

Integrated User Interface for Train Drivers

Interfacing between Social Media, Business…

workshop Workshops

2: Hands-on Arduino introduction: A sneak peek into the world of interactive installations

3: Being there, doing it: The challenge of embodied cognition for design

15:30 Theepauze
16:00 track Mobile devices – Concept mapping

Changing Typographic Elements of eBook…

The Effect of Location on Perceived Intrusiveness…

Exploring the use of Concept Mapping…

prijs Gerrit van der Veer prijs presentaties

Experience of interest in human-product interaction

Elevating Family Communication

Design of an interactive playground based on traditional children’s play

track Education – Gestures

DevThis: HCI Education beyond Usability Evaluation

Transformation research viewed with help…

Gesture Recognition Approaches: A Survey

panel Round table sessions

“Interaction Design versus Software Ergonomics”

“Who builds an ivory tower in a factory?” Building and maintaining bridges between industry and academia

17:15 prijs Gerrit van der Veer prijsuitreiking
Gerrit van der Veer
Open Universiteit Nederland, ACM SIGCHI
17:30 keynote MOTORS AND MUSIC – explorations of tangible interaction
Bill Verplank
Stanford University
18:15 Afsluiting
Sander Leer
Chi Nederland
18:30 Borrel