Chi Sparks 2011
June 23 | Arnhem

HAN University of
Applied Sciences


Noldus logo Noldus Information Technology develops, markets, and supports innovative software, instruments, integrated systems, and services for behavioral research. These allow scientists and practitioners to enhance the quality of their data, to increase productivity, and to make optimal use of human or animal resources.
USINET logo USINET is the alumni organization of the User System Interaction (USI) program of the Stan Ackermans institute. With over 200 UX professionals as members, USINET supports the exchange of information between alumni and current USI students to keep a balance between academia and industry. Also, we provide an outlet for posting and finding interesting vacancies in the academia and industry. Finally we organize social and professional activities to enrich the discipline as a whole.
NVvE / ReN logo Nederlandse Vereniging voor Ergonomie /
Register ergonomen Nederland
HAN logo Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen
Informatica, Media en Communicatie
Lectoraat Mens-Computer Interactie logo heeft als doel om onderzoek toegankelijk te maken. We focussen ons op de menselijke kant van technologie: interactie ontwerp, gebruikerservaring, mens-machine interactie, informatie-architectuur, gebruiksvriendelijkheid en vergelijkbare onderwerpen.