Bill Verplank is an interaction designer, human-factors engineer and lecturer at Stanford University. Bill Verplank has an amazing ability to draw at the same time as he talks. He explains the history and future of interaction design with paradigms that serve as patterns for the way people think about the subject. He describes the process of designing interactions with a concise diagrams, and gives examples.
Bill did mechanical engineering design at Stanford and MIT (PhD), testing at Xerox, design at IDEO and research at Interval. He lectures regularly at Stanford, IDII, CIID, TU/e and ID/IIT, and attends CHI, TEI and NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression).
Bill Verplank
During his PhD at the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering of TU Delft, Jasper van Kuijk studied how companies deal with usability in the development of electronic consumer products. He conducted three case studies in which he took a multi-actor, integrated approach, studying the product development process as a whole and not just user testing or design. Through his research he identified mechanisms of barriers and enablers for usability in practice. In December 2010 he defended his thesis ‘Managing Product Usability’. He is also the author of the product usability weblog ( where he writes about consumer product usability.
Jasper van Kuijk
Dr. Virpi Roto is a user experience researcher at Aalto University and in the University of Helsinki, Finland. Because her mission is to clarify the notion of user experience and make user experience work more systematic, she has been the driving force behind the All About UX site and the current Wikipedia page on user experience. Her background is in computer science and usability, and she has done a long career in Nokia Research Center. She is active in Human-Computer Interaction conferences with papers, talks, workshops, tutorials, panels and track chair responsibilities. This year, she is the chair of ACM SIGCHI Finland chapter.