Chi Sparks 2011
June 23 | Arnhem

HAN University of
Applied Sciences

Proceedings website

The Chi Sparks conference was a success, so we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. If you would like to read more about the topics of the day, please visit the proceedings website.

Chi Sparks: the sparks in HCI research

Starting this year the bi-annual Chi Nederland conference will continue as Chi Sparks. Chi Sparks aims to find the sparks in current HCI research; the flickers that can grow to enlighten matters previously hidden from sight. The conference aims to be a platform for students, researchers and professionals to showcase academic research as well as applied research and cases from the industries in which HCI occurs.

The theme of this year’s Chi Sparks conference is ‘HCI research, innovation and implementation’. This edition, Chi Sparks emphasizes the very important contributions that good HCI research makes in realizing successful, innovative, new products or services that have a genuine impact on people’s lives.