Chi Sparks 2011
June 23 | Arnhem

HAN University of
Applied Sciences
26 Jan

Posted in

Call for Participation

Chi Sparks aims to find the sparks in current HCI research; the flickers that can grow to enlighten matters previously hidden from sight.

The theme of this year’s Chi Sparks conference is ‘HCI research, innovation and implementation’. With this edition, Chi Sparks emphasizes the contribution of good HCI research in realizing successful, innovative, products or production systems as well as services for organizations, businesses, and society that have a real impact on people’s lives and work.

Therefore we invite industry practitioners, academics, researchers, designers, and educators to participate in and contribute to this conference!
Students (BA, MA, or PhD-levels) are explicitly invited to participate and contribute. We also invite project leads, managers, and CEO’s to contribute and attend, to emphasize the benefits of HCI in product development. During this conference, practice and theory will complement each other.

Submissions to Chi Sparks are possible in a wide variety of formats, including both full and short papers, but also industry or educational cases and even posters or interactive installations or demonstrations.

Thesis Award – Bachelor and Master students
During the Chi Sparks 2011 conference the winner of the Gerrit van der Veer Thesis Award will be announced. Nominated candidates will give a presentation of their graduation project during the conference. Bachelor and master students can submit their thesis to participate in this award. See for more information and the separate submission process.

Find out all the details in the official Call for Participation for Chi Sparks. For instructions on how exactly to submit your work to Chi Sparks, please download the Submission Guidelines.

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