Happiness & Wellbeing [Full]
Focus your project on promoting happiness and wellbeing
Marc Steen, TNO, Ilse Oosterlaken, Annemarie Mink, TU Delft
Workshop with maximum 8 participants - Full
Increasingly, companies aim to incorporate sustainability in their innovation projects. Similarly, HCI has moved from a focus on functionality to a focus on usability and experience.Currently the field moves towards promoting people’s happiness and wellbeing. In order to support projects to focus on this ‘people-element’, we have developed a tool that helpspeople articulate and evaluate the results of their project in terms of happiness and wellbeing of users. The tool draws from the Capability Approach, which promotes human development, freedom and flourishing. The approachhelps avoiding two pitfalls: too much focus on technology and prescribing specific behaviours. In this workshop, we will try-out this prototyping tool.