Coffee break, Demos & Posters
Giving user-generated content back to the users: Towards data de-centralisation for active content creators
Amy Guy
Can we develop a game controller that can be built by non-technical users?
Annika Geurtsen and Bobbie Smulders
Een digitale coach voor self-tracking sporters
Antoine Hogenboom
Iris Intranet, changing the way people work
Arthur Turksma and Jos Rouw
ixi-Play, a robot buddy for young children
Bart Dirkx and Ruud van der Aalst
Interactive Visualization of Video Data for Fish Population Monitoring
Emma Beauxis-Aussalet and Lynda Hardman
Memory Box Demo: Graham (aged 8)
Graham Cooper
The AffectButton: a digital self-report tool for emotion
Joost Broekens
ReSearchNow – Playful app for participation and engagement in (design) education
Marije ten Brink
Gamesourcing Expert Painting Annotations
Myriam Traub, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Jiyin He and Lynda Hardman
The Programming Language as Human Interface
Steven Pemberton
REHAP – Modular and Interactive Rehabilitation Tiles
Victor Donker, Bert Bongers and Panos Markopoulos